About Us

Cll Institute of Quality is the leading authority in Quality Enhancement among organisations and industries. Over the past century, CII has provided Indian Industries with the support, systems and tools to make a mark in the competitive world. It is realised that the best way to enhance an organisation’s competitiveness is through the quality route.

What started as the Total Quality Management Division(TQMD) of CII in the mid-eighties, has now evolved & now operating as CII Institute of Quality. As a champion of the quality movement, CII IQ is powered by the responsibility of enriching the lives of its members, improving their workplaces and making the world at large, a better place by applying quality tools, techniques and systems. CII-IQ provides the best of its kind training and consulting services to organisations to help improve their performance and set standards of excellence.

Our Vision

To be a Centre of Excellence of international repute that provides role model products and services for the continuous betterment of organizations and society.

Our Mission

To evolve and leverage a Quality Movement that transforms India by offering standard solutions, creating practical insights, driving tangible results, thereby enhancing competitiveness and inclusive growth.

Our Offerings

CII IQ plays a pioneering role in introducing various concepts, in the different sectors of the economy, in order to promote the Quality practices and establish Quality systems in these sectors. CII IQ offer’s the following, wide-ranging services:

  • Training
  • Seminars & Conferences
  • Counselling
  • Events to Share Best Practices
  • Assessment
  • Study Missions
  • Awards / Recognition
  • SME Clusters

The Training Programmes are delivered both through open house as well as in-house programmes made specifically to suit the needs of the member organisation. A team of highly dedicated and experienced counselors provide handholding services to these organisations on their TQM journey.

Good Practices are shared through various Seminars, Conferences and through domestic and international missions. Outstanding organizations are recognized through the CII-EXIM Bank Award for Business Excellence, Six Sigma Award,TPM Best Kaizen Award,TPM Kaizen Championship Trophy and TPM Circle Competition Trophy.

CII-IQ helps several SMEs to enhance their competitiveness through the cluster approach. Each cluster has about eight to ten companies that work together under the guidance of IQ Counsellors. The cluster approach provides an effective forum for mutual learning and improvement in Quality, Cost and Delivery.

The fundamental concepts of quality management are common to all sectors of the economy. However, the application of these fundamental concepts requires careful adoption of appropriate practices, tools and techniques to meet the specific needs of each sector. CII-IQ has developed training programmes, counseling and assessment skills, and special learning forums to meet the specific needs of different sectors of the economy.


CII Institute of Quality
Near Bharat Nagara, II Phase Magadi Main Road Vishwaneedam P.O. Bengaluru 560091

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